Originally Posted By: goharley
Originally Posted By: Dave Vedder
...just watch your TV during prime time and see how many pills they are pushing.
Which doesn't make sense to me. Why is big Pharma spending ad dollars trying to sell to me? I have no purchasing power. It's not like I can walk into my doc's office and say, "hey doc, I saw drug X on TV last night and I want some." I should trust my doctor to prescribe the drugs I need not what sounded sexy on the telly last night.

Of course the cynic in me realizes that Pharma is deviously trying to create a nation of hypocondriacs so we'll imagine the symptoms those advertised drugs will cure.

Spot on! I hate those f'n drug commercials. It perpetuates a false need.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."

If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.