
Jesus christ you are even more delusional than a F'kn coog lately. Although at least they have some reaching academic status. Unlike yourself where hope has dwindled to nothing.

WB gave 40 billion dollars of his real money ... I could give a rats ass less if it was tax free. The fact is he gave it. WTF have you done for a charity other than pipe off your mouth on the internet about fuzz in your pants?

one thing your right about ... your not a hypocrite. Your a illogical whackjob[/quote]

Your changing the subject because you know I'm right. It doesn't matter what Buffet did with the money, it matters that he complains the rich don't pay enough in taxes, then avoids paying taxes by giving the money to charity. You're clueless, helpless and hopeless.

Bernies rant is just promoting class warfare. He and his fellow dems spend like crazy then complain people aren't giving them enough in taxes. Quit spending you tools! Borrowing from China is the politicians fault, not the taxpayers fault.
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