I just watched Bowles & Simpson try to tell the media a few days ago that their tax plan would help working class America.

They couldn't even keep a straight face. It was like watching an SNL parody where they keep cracking up.

If you're on the lowest rung, the guy working at Burger King or some jackoff X-Ray tech trying to support 3 estranged children, it will save you $400, or 8 tanks of gas.

If you are in the wealthiest 1%, however, you will save $500,000...

...Or enough to buy a McMansion and still have enough left over to outsource your X-Ray image processing to India, lay off your jack-off X-ray techs, saving you another $75,000 a year, enough to hire him back as your personal toilet valet, paying him $7 an hour to wipe your ass and shake off your cock after you're done pissing on him.