Originally Posted By: AuntyM
Jobs are created continuously by the low and middle income classes because they need to spend 100% and most of their incomes, respectively, on the cost of living, which stimulates manufacturing, distribution, wholesaling, and retail sales. The rich spend the lowest percent of their incomes on consumer goods. They spend most of their money on making more money, and Reaganomics demonstrated that damn little of that trickles down to the poor and middle classes.

There is no growth in that cycle, which means no new jobs created. Not to mention much of the money for the poor comes from the govt. and taxes. But wait... we have to cut the budget! You can't have it both ways Salmo. You want them to stop spending so much, fine. That means less help for those in need. A vicious circle that only private industry can remedy by creating jobs. Taking more from the rich won't produce jobs. It will just guarentee more jobs leave the US. As the rich have continued to pay more (proportionally) the economy has declined in the last decade.


Your theory on only the wealthy creating jobs is delusional. It's the same as the chicken and egg theory. If there are no middle-class to buy things, and support businesses, there are no wealthy people. Therefore, wealthy people do not exist without preying on the buying habits of middle-class people.

They WANT us to feel like we depend on them. This schit has happened many times before in the past as you would know if you read anything about history.

They WANT us to have 15% unemployment so people go through their lives in fear of being broke. This in turn causes people to take any job, and work at any pay rate with no benefits, just as long as they have a job. Cheap labor, blaming unions, the list goes on. I for one am getting sick of this crap and I'm sick of being called a "consumer" by Obama and Glen Beck.