Originally Posted By: Todd
"I don't want to pay $18 Billion in taxes, so I think I'll give away $40 Billion..."
I hope you manage your own debt and checkbook better than that, dunker. Todd

No, it's more like I'll donate 40 billion over the next 20 or so years, because I make so much, writing off a couple billion a year is like you donating $100 to the Salvation Army.
WB has more than he can ever spend, instead of writing a check to uncle Sam, (since hes so concerned about the US economy) donates half his fortune to the Gates foundation over a period of time, securing his place as the most "generous" philanthropist in history, while saying everyone else needs to pay more. Why doesn't he put his money where his mouth is. I don't care what he does with his money, even if it's writing off charitable contributions, just don't be a hypocrite and say I need to pay more.
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