Originally Posted By: docspud

If you start raising their taxes they will be forced to lay off workers. Your wives, your children, yourselves. As a small corp we carry people through these times when they are not needed as much. We do not wish to lay off as we feel obligated to help the people that work for us. They all have families. Raises taxes and eat into that bottom line we will be forced to lay off then you will see employment tank.

Well, not really. In fact, that's false.

First, I'm qualified to answer this as a guy who personally runs a 100 person business.

Second, I can tell you from having done the taxes, that I don't pay taxes on REVENUE, I pay it on PROFIT. So raising taxes really has no ability to "force me to lay off workers". Because I only pay income taxes on my profits AFTER expenses/payroll. I'm not making this up, you can take a class in accounting if you want to check me on this.

Any other questions?
The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope. -John Buchan