there's been 30 years of class warfare against the poor and middle class. union busting, reduced taxes on the wealthy, jobs shipped overseas, etc. and the rich complain that changing tax rates back to the low rates during the clinton administration is "class warfare".

this would be amusing if it weren't for the bank bailouts with all that money being poured into the rich's wallets. at the same time, the bailout of the auto industry to actually save jobs of american workers who create and build real stuff is fought tooth and nail as a waste of government funds. which was wasteful now?

we are facing a fiscal crisis, and all obama and the republicans want to do is kick the can down the road two more years.

obama sucks... not because he's a kenyan marxist socialist but because he doesn't stand for anything. he'd rather negotiate than fight for what he was elected to do. let's hope some democrats will filibuster this crappy tax deal.