In the "Weave your Bacon" thread, an argument is starting to take shape regarding a statment I made about the pro-fat, low-carb diets vs. the standard calories-in/calories out diets.

I only know what I like and what works for me. The internet is full of this argument already but I would like to hear some of the members of this board's philosophy on this stuff.

What do you all do to stay healthy? How do you like it?

As for me I typically follow Primal/Paleo type of diet. It is simple enough. Basically, no processed foods or legumes. So my food pyramid is like this:
Protein/fat and Vegetables > Fruit > Simple Dairy/Nuts. There is no bread or pasta. It is easy enough to do if you have the ingredients around. My weakness is a pretty busy social schedule which means lots of dining out, drinking beer, staying up late and eating foods off of my list. I think if I could get to where only 20% of my meals were better I could lose 10 lbs easy. When I am eating on this plan succesfully I have a lot of energy, and feel really good (mood, attitude, etc).

I do Crossfit routines 3-4x per week. I love this program it is easy to follow and is skill-based. It is more like a sport because there are so many different elements to master. I feel like I am in generally good shape. I can run far, do lots of push ups and pull ups, lift heavy stuff and I almost never get sore from any physical activities. Hiking, waterskiiing, basketball, yardwork, or whatever my workout program has helped a lot for that kind of thing.
WDFW - Turning outdoorsmen into golfers since 1994.