I must be lucky...I mainly eat meat (of all sorts), and raw vegetables...and it seems that whatever I need the most of at the time, my body craves, so that's what I eat.

Spending a lot of time outside the house doing things helps a lot, I'm sure.

When I quit smoking seven or eight years ago I gained 45 pounds in about eight months, went from 195 to 240...joined the gym and worked out, got back down to 205 in about eight weeks, and even though I ditched the gym membership I mainly bounce between about 205 and 210 all the time...which seems to suit me just fine.

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop...for my metabolism to realize I'm too old for it to keep cranking along like it does...but I'm 41 years old now and so far it's keeping right up with me...

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle