Now this is purely anecdotal, and I don't claim to be an expert on anything surrounding weight issues, but just going on people I know, the crappier they eat and the less they exercise, the fatter they are. The ones who watch what they eat and exercise are the thin ones.

My one single encounter with weight gain is instructive for me, at least...I didn't exercise, and my diet went haywire when I quit smoking...and I gained over 40 pounds.

I got sick of the extra weight, started going back to the gym and getting exercise in the out of doors, and stopped eating so much, and such crappy food, and in a few months the extra weight was gone, and has not ever come back.

I'm sure all the experts on this thread can tell me a thousand reasons why all this happened, but it's pretty clear to crap and sit on your ass, and the ass you're sitting on will get good amounts of good food, and don't sit on your ass, and your ass will get smaller.

I don't think you need to be a doctor, or InterWebz expert, to see the fundamental truth in those things.

I'm sure some people are affected by conditions like diabetes...but some of my family members who have it didn't have it until they got fat. I'm sure some people have glandular problems, and don't process calories or fat or whatever well. I'm sure some people have lost the Fat Lotto and are just fat, no matter what they do or don't do.

The other 98% of the fat people are fat because they eat too much, they eat crap, and they don't exercise.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle