Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
Yeah, I saw those ads pimpin' HFCS and thought, "do they really think people are this stupid?"

No they are stupider. This cuntry is full of fat people blaming everything but eating to much as the problem.
The smart part is the companies that get these piggies to empty out thier wallets on books, supplements, magazines and all the other secret cures for their fatness. End result, still fat.

More proof calories in/calories out is big lie


-Professor looses 27 lbs on junk food diet of doritos, oreos and lil debbie snacks
-Blood panel greatly improved
-body fat dropped from 33.4 to 24.9 percent
-Proves there is hope for AuntyM if she can learn to count calories and estimate portion size (they have a new thing called a food scale)

Edited by HOOKUP (06/02/11 07:05 PM)