The pros in weight management generally use some version of a reduced carb diet; in my work that's what I do. I think that in 2011, if you have a weight problem, then the default diet should be some variation of a reduced carb. Same goes for diabetes.

if you don't have a weight problem, or don't have metabolic syndrome, then you can eat whatever you like.

If you are young and athletic then a higher carb diet can be good since your muscle uses the glucose rather than the glucose being stored as fat.

Loren Cordain is the godfather of the Paleo diet, and his website is interesting.
Cross fit is good stuff!

Here are a few of the more interesting sites on low carb life.
Cordain's site, if you google him you can get some of his scientific articles open access. Very good.
Dr. Mike Eades site. One of the most normal really smart guys I have ever met.
Even smarter than FP! 8^)
Jimmy Moore's site. good links and good vids.

PM me if you want some articles or links and I will be happy to send them along.

Edited by Doctor Rick (05/31/11 10:43 PM)