Originally Posted By: seastrike
My favorite line from the ex wife... "There is always another [censored] opening day! Why don't they have duck/pheasant/fish/deer/elk/springers/steelhead open on the same day! Some man thought of this goddamn schedule!" Slam door.

Good one Dave, I've heard the same thing from my lady in different words...

How to get enough fishing time in? ....It isnt as easy as saying, "bitch, I'm going fishing" when you have kids, a sexy wife, a house, Parents that need help...& tons of stuff that needs doing all the time. If you insist on going fishing when all those responsibilities are unattended and still on the table, ask your divorced fishing buddies here how well that works out.

I stole a term from Brian and build up my "domestic credit" bank ....then cash in when needed. Take care of your sh!t, and let her know your are taking care of your sh!t....then go fishing.

Edited by Sky-Guy (10/31/11 01:34 PM)
You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"