I read Doc post that said hatchery to hatchery in the wild returned zero, hatchery to wild returned minimal. We'll if you have an escapement of 1000 fish producing 1-2 million eggs and you struggle every year to meet escapement. Is that not minimal. Look how stream beds change after every high water, and all those redds are lost, they are barley reproducing the yearly escapement or not, brood stock 50 pairs and release early so they imprint into the section you released them into, And watch the yearly escapement go up 400% in a very short time. Only breed out of high finners, either true wilds or F1's that where early released with fins, to create that strongest will survive arena. Taking flooding and Redd loss out of the equation.

It is easy to point the fingers at Habitat, But look no farther then the Queets, She lays mainly in the Park, she is protected from urbanization, cattle grazing, and so forth. But she to struggles, but on a good belly washer, she can go from 3k CFCs to 60k+ CFCs in a very short time! creating a new river! and major redd disturbment.

Edited by Met'lheadMatt (12/17/13 10:29 AM)