Originally Posted By: eyeFISH
If the F1's are unclipped, what's the guarantee they're not being cycled right back into the hatch broodstock?

I was thinking chipping the f1 so you never rebreed what has gone through the hatchery a generation before.

This subject has really got the wheels in my mind turning.

What I had envisioned seemed like a very simple and easy solution to help bolster wild stocks.

As long as you do not introduce outside genes into a system. It seems like hatcheries could help if done right.

The mission statement for the hatchery would have to change to "Help wild stocks reach maximum potential for self propagation.

It also seems the political part of should we harvest or let nature do its thing is a huge equation.

I definitely need more info but I must say I feel much more enlightened about the subject.

Only problem is with each answer , I have more questions.