Doc, I want just F1's to suppliment the wild component.To have more hit the gravel, if they can be hatched with our care then transported to stream side natural rearing ponds, or concrete raceways, so be it. The problem is 2000 eggs hit the gravel from a nice big hen and you can expect 2 fish or fewer to return. Some redds have higher success, some have none, but in the end it is 2 or less on average per pair. Much due to Mother Nature and severe flooding. If it was higher then are escapement would rise, but it doesn't. The problem is natural hatchability, we can help this with minimal impact. 100 fish used, on their own would only bring back 100 fish on average, with help, and understanding the 85% reduced reproduction fitness of the returning fish! those same 100 could bring back 2-4k that could hit the gravel
And spawn at a reduce 85% vitality rate. Hmmm 1 for 1 on a natural spawn wild or .85 to 1 on an F1, but with a 200-400% increase in what hits the gravel. Even at 85% it seems like a win! win situation.

Edited by Met'lheadMatt (12/17/13 09:21 PM)