i agree..... i ride the fence too. i think the best way to stop illegal immigration would be to stop destroying economies to the south of us by our government and stop allowing banks like chase manhattan to intentionally manipulate foreign economies. that and debt cancellation.

but in an america, run by conservatives, no solution will ever be put in place for any problem that actually pulls the weed up by the roots.... only "solutions" to stop the symptoms

build a fence - covers up symptoms

if we create an economic tide that lifts all boats, people will not have the desire to come here.....they dont come here because they love the culture or love our movies like we like to think.... most only want to make money and would rather live in their own communities back home if they could make a living wage

thats why you dont often hear of a costa rican up here in the usa as an illegal immigrant....they have no desire to leave costa rica

humans desired to go to the moon....and they got there.....can we really stop the desire of millions to come into a country with thousands of miles of open borders? no way...... so the only option in my mind is to deal with the desire to come here.... what are they fleeing? what are the causes of it?

yet instead we lend mexico no help to catch their president who stole billions and fled to his yacht in international waters..... but the thief is friends with the bush fammily so our govt will lend no help in his capture!!!!!!!!

i also think that it is wrong that we can all go on vacation in their country but they cannot come on vacation here.....
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau