I can't believe what I'm reading here. I don't know Aunty M but I can say this. If she is the spouse of a Vet, more power to her. I served 8 years in the 60s. The standing joke was, "If the military wanted you to have a wife they would have issued one." The truth was most carreer military that had wives, had a life. They didn't need to find it in the bottle or downtown. Wives are as important to the military as any support troops. To even insuinuate sarcastically or seriously that they are not entitled to their spouses pension and benefits smacks of everything I hate about liberals.

The chicken chit, rock tossing, foul mouthed protesters of the 60 s and 70s deserved every broken tooth and lip they got and I'm proud to say I
even got to break a few myself. I have no quarrel with the protester who stands his ground and fires rhetoric. The ones who tossed balloons full of urine, bags of feces and sailed sharpened coffe can lids into the police ranks are the ones who I despise. Yup and guess what! They harrassed military families too. Encouraged by yuppie professors who could not get a job in the real world and spewed hatred in the classes, the liberals snorted it thru their noses like pigs at a slop trough.

If anything Vets and their families do not get enough benefits. One of the strongest selling points of a military carreer was the knowledge your spouse and kids would be taken care of. Try going off to a remote assignment during wartime and leaving your wife and kids at home!

I had to "sell" enlistments that last year of my tour. We promised the enlistees they would always have at the minimum, health care at VA facilities even if they were not carreer. Anyone want to guess who put a stop to that? I was recently told by the VA that I made too much money to get VA benefits. So if I had been a deadbeat druggie and made no effort to get a job I would qualify!

My wife will receive 90% of my pension upon my demise. She earned it. I made sure of that option when I retired.

Otherwise I'm retired!