My god this post is getting more painful by the moment. How can anyone including the all informed cocksucker himself have any idea what is or is not in this "bill". The damn thing is not written yet. No final product!. Nothing has been completely dropped or added! So quit pissing down all our backs and telling us it is raining all informed.
Right now the best we can do is guess. We all know that last minute things will be added to get this vote and dropped to get that one. One thing we can be sure of is that all this bitching is just that bitching. the only other thing we can all know is that everyone that makes these statements about how great or horrible it will be is full of crap(incuding the pres, rep leadership and dem leadership).
When they promise everything at no cost.......B.S. When they promise unending cost and no return.......B.S.(well most of the time). It is the wieght of cost to benefit we should be looking at not "death panels" or whatever the latest inflamatory statement is.
Never leave a few fish for a lot of fish just might not find a lot of fish-----Theo