Originally Posted By: Somethingsmellsf
Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Originally Posted By: Somethingsmellsf

My point being that no organization is going to make everyone happy, but collectively working toward the recovery of the resource is better than standing alone and flailing your arms while trying to get some recognition from anyone!
The way you genius's talk we would not have a problem if we had followed your dictum, yet that is precisely why we are where we are.


It's simple. We can't have wild fish #'s that meet escapement through out the CR system and have sizeable hatchery plants too. So what's it going to be? What road are we headed down?

Is CCA going to be a bunny hugger, fern sniffing group or are they going to support some hatchery plants so they can compensate for this "selective" fishing idea which is going to shortfund the sporties from hatchery fish?

What's it going to be? You can't survive on both sides of the table... It don't work......


I believe CCA has been very clear on this and that hatchery plants are vital to all resource users and need to continue to be planted. That being said the proposals on the table will affect fisheries as they now stand. Everyone of us can surmise how and what the the outcome will be, but nobody can say for certain exactly what will happen or how.

If and I say "IF" the sports fishers are adversely effected, I will be very vocal on getting behind more hatchery plants and equability in accessing our marine resource. What I will not go along with is "business as usual and expecting a different result."

Boater: I clearly am out of the house more than you as you spend every waking minute online blathering and whining about the sky falling. If you do own a rod, you should take that yellow rod out once in awhile and perhaps you wouldn't be such a TOOL!



Good luck CCA, my gut feeling is you won't change [censored] on the LCR. The bible is already written....

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.