Originally Posted By: freespool
Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Originally Posted By: freespool
It's almost like some special interests who is primarily responsible for killing 80% of the CR salmon and steelhead population, started a sportfishing group that's really just a smoke screen to divert attention away from what really needs fixing.

I agree, it's confusing the heck out of me....

Part of me is starting to think CCA is a wild fish activist group that could give a crap what happens with fishing as long as the wild fish supposedly have a chance... huh


Keith, there isn't one bit of scientific evidence that shows this harvest reform idea will save any ESA listed species.
There isn't even any scientific modeling to show this idea has any recovery merits what so ever, it's simply a faith oriented concept that sounds good to a lot of people, fisheries scientists however are not one them.

I'm with ya...

Sad but true...

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.