Originally Posted By: SBD
"It's almost like some special interests who is primarily responsible for killing 80% of the CR salmon and steelhead population, started a sportfishing group that's really just a smoke screen to divert attention away from what really needs fixing. "


CCA helped remove two dams in Maine and built hatcheries for Redfish in other states.

Secured 2.5 million from Bath Iron Works to remove Edwards Dam on Kennebec River, Maine 1997
Successfully raised $450,000 in cash and in-kind donations to purchase and remove the Smelt Hill Dam (Maine 2001).
Led successful national effort to keep open-loop LNG terminals out of Gulf of Mexico (National 2006).
Instrumental in support of an Executive Order signed by the President ensuring federal agencies will manage recreational angling as a sustainable activity in all federal waters, including marine protected areas (CCA National 2008).

John Wilson Hatchery Texas 1981
SeaCenter Texas Hatchery Texas 1996
Worked through state legislature and private foundations to continue critical funding for Florida’s state saltwater hatchery, resulting in the 1,000,000th redfish fingerling released in Florida waters (Florida 2001).
Instrumental in the effort to secure tideland funds for speckled trout hatchery (Mississippi 2004).
Helped establish the first-ever hatchery for southern flounder (North Carolina 2005).
Funded $700,000 for construction of a state-of-the-art marine larviculture research lab (Texas 2007).

How about you?