Originally Posted By: Lucky Louie
Another highly contested issue this year was that commercials were going to get all of the extra fish and not have to split it with sports. Columbia River Sport and Commercial Spring Chinook Fisheries:
Objectives and Strategies for Near- and Long-Term Management
d) Continue moving away from allocation-based fishery management to objective-based fishery management. This shift allows solutions that may improve both fisheries, rather than improving one fishery at the expense of another. This approach will require both sides to concede some ground on their stated positions in order to gain actual improvements in their fisheries. It will also require investment of additional resources in commercial fishery infrastructure and several years’ patience to implement changes. I would consider that another

LuckyLouie - Nobody who understands the Columbia River fisheries ever said the "commercials would get 100% of any additional mainstem harvest". (I can understand the confusion though, because some on here continually, and wrongly, claimed that was the position of us who are opposed to further entrenching the commercials on the CR).

The push to "outcome based" management, is pushed by ODFW to avoid the "allocation question", and thus all the outcry from sportfisher who have jammed the Olympia and Salem hearings these past eight years.

The "outcome-based strategy" disipates the allocation issue, and allows the agencies to boldly proclaim they're giving sportsfishers a "60 day season". Unfortunately, the springer fishing in February sucks, but hey, it's 30 days of opportunity.

Sadly, with outcome-based strategy, the joke (or the myth) is on us.

And that, in part, is why we fought for a 70/30 impact split -- because that produces the "outcome" anglers deserve and want -- a below-Bonneville Columbia River springer season that would dependably continue through most of April.

But beginning in 2010, with the unhappy Tribal co-managers on the warpath, Catch-Balancing became the 'hard cap' on limiting below Bonneville harvest of upriver bound springers.

When you add "selective commercial methods" without at the same time capping the commercial harvest rate, where this potentially leads to, is the commercials achieving harvest parity on the below-Bonneville mainstem. Something they've long asked for on springers. And successfully got on Summer Chinook

Not ALL the fish, but a larger share of the available harvest. That's what the commercials are lobbying for, and it will be a huge win for them and loss for anglers when and if it happens with springers.

Wishful thinking is subordinate to the simple math governing this three way division of hatchery fish.

Edited by OntheColumbia (12/29/10 07:22 PM)