we have this cool cat, really long long hair, all white... about a week ago, he had a couple nasty hairballs, big ones too... usual tho... then, a couple days ago, he stopped eating... he lost his "pep in his step" as he used to prance around like a little kid in the play ground... he was barely even drinking water last night, so i said today, he goes to the vet...

my GF took him after her classes, an di just got the call...

not good...

they dont know what it is, all they know is that his temp is 96 degrees, and it should be 108...he is just passed out on the table, and my GF is absolutely hysterical... they have informed her that he will need to go to a 24 hour hospital immeadiately, and that we should probably consider putting him down...

what a great way to start a fvckin holliday, if it isnt a family member, or a friend, its one of my damn pets... wtf did i do to deserve this sh!t...im seriously about to just throw in the towel...