
Good on ya for doing what it takes to get Kitters feelin better.
I know, it sucks. Both emotionally and financially.
But, you are a good 'cat dad'.

A couple years back my pup ate a rock. By the time we figured out what was up, and paid for emergency surgery, I was out over a month's wages. I don't make squat, and I was seriously stressed out. I spent over an hour walking around my garage making a list of things I could sell to help offset the cost. Wife gave me a hug and called me a good 'dog dad'.

Pets are family. You do what you gotta do to keep your family healthy.

Hope Kitters gets to feelin better soon.
[Bleeeeep!], the cup of ignorance in this thread overfloweth . . . Salmo g
Truth be told, I've always been a fan of the Beavs. -Dan S.