just got back from burying him.. my sister in laws pops who ive know forever, let me bury him on his property in Graham, where they have buried their pets as well... nice, woods, peacefull...

i just dont get it.. i know he was sick, but just like that?

we were hand feeding him, and he was drinking water on his own... he got home from the vet at around 3:45, appointment was at 2:15... they said he could pull through this, animals are pretty resiliant, and i knew that, and thought, maybe...

he died around 6...

the other 5 cats are all weirded out... they know something is up... they have all along...

so we go to Gregs house, and we are talking for a minute...he has had to put animals down as well, alot more than me... out comes this little what looks like an Irish Setter, but all black pup... i think its a mutt lab setter mix, not sure, and its rubbin up against me like pups do, then goes to my girlfriend ect, then their little puggy thing comes out too, same deal.... we go and bury him, and come back, and are talking again... both dogs come plant it at my feet, and sit there... no biggy, i pet em and they just sit...

go put the stuff back in the car, and they are planted at my GFs feet while shes sitting in a chair...

me and him were kinda talkin about that, and how our cat looked at me and meowed like 5 minutes before , im still like WTF, HOW does that happen?

so we are still talkin for a minute and his Mustang/Quarter Horse mix comes up and nudges my shoulder... at first it freaked me out kinda, nothing like having a horse head up nearly 7 feet tall standing in front of you... kept nudgin me, and stayed with me untill i said we had to go home because Katie had homework due by midnight..

pets are wierd creatures

it was rather interesting, and comforting in a way...

ive had alot of animals in my life, ive lost alot too, but they werent "mine" like now... the pets in the past, yes i was upset, yes i cried, but it was different...

this one... yeah.....

he wasnt doing so good last night after he got home, and i just prayed that he would make it to get to the new vet... they even have him scheduled for a 4pm appointment tommorow for a glucose test....

anyways, my big a$$ Rott-Pitt is older as well.. and i always joked a couple years ago, how if he goes, im getting a Shepard pup just like my dad always had...

that aint happening, i dont know if i can deal with whatss going to happen with the 2 cats of my dads, and him... matter of fact, my big azz cat Squirt (my dads) is laying next to me right now....

Kitters was a different cat.. odd to say the least, he was 13 pounds with lead boots on, yet fought with my 22-25 pound cat with the best of em, actually, better.... but they would both stop, and go back to normal... they actually hadnt fought in a couple years, and Squirt was even laying next to him today...

Kitters was left here by the owners that left, as they didnt care about him obviously, and about 2 years after we moved here, they came by to see if he was here... i didnt care to talk to them, my Gf did tho... they had named him "Cotton", but for us, he came to Kitters..

when we moved here, my truck was running... when i would come home, he would lay up on the top of my wide azz tires in the fender well sucking in the heat.. after a couple weeks, we just brought him in, and he became "ours".. that was almost 6 years ago....

we used to let him out the front door... and this fvcker would sometimes seirously piss me off, i leave my window open for air, he would get let out, run to the window, get into my bed, and use 1 of his nails to lift the top of my eyelid while i was sleeping, with his face all close, to say "Hey Bitch, im hungry, get up!!" as he liked his wet food...

he wouold knead on you, and lay on you too....

this is not good for me, my GF isnt doing well, has a ton of homework, a test tommorow, and theres really nothing i can do about it.... she lost her mom 9 years ago, shes not new to this, and her similarites are why we are basically a perfect match from the first day i met her.... to know that you cant do anything to "make it better", makes it that much worse....

this sh!t sucks...