Sorry about the cat.

We put our "fixer-upper" kitty Ramona down when Ryan was 2. She was a Tabby Manx with worms, a rash, fleas and a cold. Spent a few hundred on her, great cat. Time came when she was basically acting like you say. Listless, but she wouldn't eat or drink, I think she was 12 or so. Came up quickly.

She would crawl up under the covers of a made bed, and just lay there. A big lump in the bed. I would wake up at 3am with her on my chest, purring away, with her nose almost touching mine. Loved to chase feathers attached to a fishing rod. I would get off work and she would stick her whole head in my work shoes, just purring for 20 minutes to an hour.

Her last night with us was spent in the bed next to me. We knew that next morning we had to take her in. Got off early, grabbed the cat and the boys, and off to the vet we went. The vet staff showed the boys some other animals while the vet and I talked. He said it was her time.

Still brings tears to my eyes 11 years later when I remember what Ryan said, "I didn't want to make her dead." From a 2 year old. The boys wanted to pet her all the way home, so they did. She is the left hand cross in our little pet cemetery on the property. Great cat.

The loss of a pet, regardless if it is a dog or a cat (even a goat), is hard. Make the right decision for you and the pet, whatever that will be.

Take care,


"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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