Originally Posted By: Sol Duc
Originally Posted By: FishPrince
Originally Posted By: salmosalar
Sol Duc has wished me dead before. He can't tell anyone what is classless.

Boo hoo. People wishing death on another poster is pretty standard on internet forums. Harden the [Bleeeeep!] up.

Salmopuss is your typical bed wetting little libturd that still sucks his thumb. Pretty sure he was the little twerp that got bullied and his lunch money stolen. lol

I wonder how many self-perceived turds DanS has burned up (I'm pretty sure one was me....if not yet.....then soon.)
FOAD is about as loving as it gets around these parts at times.
So, FOAD....all of you!!

Agendas kill truth.
If it's a crop, plant it.