Originally Posted By: Sky-Guy
Originally Posted By: stonefish
Originally Posted By: OncyT
If I were going to protest, I would be very careful about what it is I am protesting. From reading the list of agreed to fisheries, it appears that it was agreed by WDFW that the Muckleshoots would conduct a test fishery to provide an in-season update starting the week of September 4th. Then if the ISU showed harvestable coho, they would begin fishing the week of September 11th. That appears to be what they are doing, although I have to assume that the ISU showed harvestable fish.

Where would one find the results of the test fishery?

I've been asking for the Department to supply that information since last week

With regards to impacts on Puyallup Chinook, my arguement(which has not yet been responded to by the department) is this.

The advisors were told we could not have a marine coho fishery opened due to impacts on a weak Puyallup Chinook stock. But Coho were originally closed due to low forecast. Then the tribes opened up marine area (Shilshole bay and Elliott Bay) gill net fisheries on Coho, which will certainly include some Puyallup Chinook impacts.

Does this make sense to any of you?

If recreational fishing were allowed to occur in these areas, we could release chinook and retain only coho. Cant say that for the gill net fleet. Further, we closed MA 9 and 10 with Quota remaining on our ledger. That also means we have some small percentages of available impact left.

So far, after pointing this out to the department, all I have is crickets!

Please post the test fishery info if you get it or pm it to me.
Seems it shouldn't be that hard to obtain in this supposed transparent co-manager system.
Go Dawgs!
Founding Member - 2023 Pink Plague Opposition Party