Fortunately I avoided NOF.

But, in the 80s there were non-Indian coho net fisheries in Dungeness Bay (6D), Bellingham Bay (7B) that eventually went to 7 days per week, Port Susan/Gardner (8A)and South Sound (10 and 11). I think Dungeness also went 7 day. The rest were 1-3 days. There may have been occasional openings in Skagit Bay (8) and Hood Canal (12) but theses were normally the limiting stocks in mixed stock (ocean) fisheries.

7B,8,8A,10,11,12, 12B were generally open for chum with 9 on a few occasions.

The non-Indian net fisheries have been significantly reduced over what went on then.

Back then, much as folks will find it hard to believe, Chinook and coho primary harvest was reserved for sport. Net fisheries by the Cowboys occurred only in terminal areas after the hook and line fisheries on feeding fish had occurred. The terminal and river fisheries were viewed as minor in the overall scheme of things as few of those fish (relative to both the total run and the needed harvest) were biters.

Remember that the greatest sin for a manager to to allow one fish more than the escapement goal to spawn.