OK, I'll try this one more time. The premise here is that the tribes did something wrong. The OP said their position was that there were not enough fish for anybody to fish, but now they are going fishing. That cannot possibly be true across the board as the List of Agreed Fisheries clearly shows that there was agreement that if more coho were available, certain tribes would fish. As near as I can tell, there were in-season updates that showed more coho available, and as per the agreement, some tribes went fishing.

Sorry, but I can't find anything to get bent out of shape about here. On the other hand, if the LOAF showed that there were not enough fish for anybody to fish (as in the Nisqually River where the LOAF says coho is closed for conservation) and then the tribes went fishing, I could be upset.

For those that want to have protest fisheries about this, good luck getting traction when you say you are protesting the tribes doing what they said they were going to do with the agreement of WDFW.

Nothing further.