Originally Posted By: Sky-Guy
This year is unique in that there were no substantial marine impacts on Coho before the tribal nets went in. The WDFW told advisors last week that the Muckleshoot had netted over 14K coho in the green so far this year.

My question is: Since w have no "upstream" impacts in marine areas this year, what is the department doing to ensure that recreational interests get their fair share of the surplus? Who is advocating on recreational fishing interests behalf within the department, and to what degree?

Knowing that sport fishing has not come close to the catching the amount of fish the tribes have thus far, shouldnt the nets be immeadiately pulled from the water to ensure that recreation fishermen and women can catch their fair share? We are supposed to get 50%, right, and this year we are trending to get about 10%.

Where is the emergency tribal closure to ensure equity in allocation? Where is the Co management?
