Originally Posted By: B-RUN STEELY
Originally Posted By: Salmonella
The ultimate would be if ALL sportsmen and environmentalists could get on the same page and be a force for nature, the environment and sportsman's issues.
Hunters, fishermen, nature lovers and tree huggers.
That indeed would be utopia.
Unfortunatley it will never happen.

Thats because the up front " Guns forever " jack asses have nothing in common with the avg American sportsman. You all know the type.. that fat guy at your office who sits in the lunch room with the latest copy of " Tactical Combat Fever" magazine.. and God help you if that boring S.O.B happens to come sit by you and start talking about the new .. or better yet.. improved .762.0088 Cracken Boomer Splitten Hymer full auto self cleaning wonder blaster, just because he happens to know you hunt and own a few guns. This worthless turd has more chance of shooting himself than any deer that ever lived in the woods, yet he is the face of the NRA.

A few weeks ago, a group of about 30 of these type douche bags showed up at the local zoo down at the city park and had what they called a " pack in " for " solidarity". In effect, they all showed up at the zoo packing heat ( it was funny as hell, several of them had pistols with scopes mounted on them in shoulder rigs .. and a couple of guys were actually packing two pistols at once ) They all were a bunch of redneck type dick weeds and I don't think there was a sportsman in the bunch. Of course they managed to get themselves on the news.. and make the gun owners they proclaim to represent look like assholes.

We have them where I work also, along with the blow hard gasbags that repeat everything they hear on Rush and think it is the truth. I don't care for extreamist on either side. The left wing blow hards like MSNBC are no better than those on FOX. Neither is "fair and Ballanced" both sides have their own agenda and promote it.
Is there anyone reading this thread that will change their vote because of any argument that has been made? I dobut it.
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers