On May 12 we went to La Push on the long awaited and planned hallibut opener only to be attacked in our tent camp be two tribal members. We were camped at the southwest corner in a green Alaknak in the corner spot I had negociated in march when my wife and I went for a winter getaway. It was the most unbeleavable thing I have ever experianced. They came into our camp after we were asleep, put wood on our almost out fire and started going through our cooler. My son woke up and asked them what they were doing only to be spit on,punched and told that was their reservation and they could do what ever they want. He went in and woke up the second member of our group and he was punched in the face three times for showing-up. I was in the tent with earplugs sleeping like a baby when my son came in frantickly waking me and saying something about we had to call the police. By the time I got to my feet, put on my shoes and walked out side he was in his car and on his way to where we had seen police cars parked on our way in. I walked out to two WOMEN, yes women standing there cussing us up one side and down the other. I walked over to the 5 gal. water bottle that had been knocked over and said something to the effect of " get the *&ell out of here" and was kicked in the face while bent over and attacked by both of them. Scratched,punched,hair pulled,you name it. NOW IM PISSED. I was able to struggle to my feet after slamming one of them against the picknic table and the fight was on. I had to fight both of them like I would two men and only after punching them both in the face re-peatedly did they decide to leave. TWO ABSOLUTE ANIMALS who hated us because we were outsiders. One was arrested and the other one got away. SO, BEWARE, there are people on the reservations that are capable of this and if you are as unlucky as us you too will become the victim of there HATE. I should say that there was a steady stream of others that came by the next day after we get back from fishing to appolajize and say "were not all like them".The police started regulur patrols to "keep an eye on things" but we decided to leave because I knew if they returned with their friends there would be blood spilled. I AM NOT A PACIFIST. The people from the store were helpful as well as the police but we left after finding a threatening note on our table when we got back that was left by one the attackers mothers. One week later I am still on the mend. I am following up with the police. More later.