Originally Posted By: wntrrn
For all you folks who question others when they say they would used deadly force, I ask why? The perps in this incident made a choice to use violence and it's up to us to wait until they put a pointed boot in our temple before escalating the situation. People make choices. These perps made a bad choice and I don't think it would haunt me to protect my family and self with a couple well placed shots.

Our society allows these people to abuse law abiding citizens without any real consequences. I don't care if someone wants to saw off my catalytic converter. But, endanger my family and you've made a choice that might not be in your best interest.

---For the record, I'm not a fluffy anti-2nd amendment liberal---

I personally choose not to carry a gun, because I don't like thinking about the consequences of using one. To kill another person IS THE HEAVIEST DECISION YOU WILL MAKE IN YOUR LIFE. I can't fathom making that decision in a matter of seconds as a situation arises. As important it is to negate the possibility of harm to your family, no one has a crystal ball....and before you pull that trigger, are you making the right decision?

Family is the most important thing in anyone's life, but to pull that trigger: you'd better be 100% it's them or you...not 99%.

You don't know what's gonna happen in the next 10 minutes (most likely they're drunked up and just trying to steal your beer)
You don't know what's gonna happen in the next 10 years (maybe that woman has a family at home, maybe that drunked up woman would straighten her life up, and give her kids a great & happy life/or maybe they will wind up f*d up because their mommy was plugged when they were young)
You don't know what the situation looks like to law enforcement (one side of the story? I'm sure the crime scene and evidence could prove to not be completely in your favor) Think of the legal fees.

I've heard countless comments about "them or me" or "if I feared my life I'm gonna shoot to kill!"

But I've yet to hear of anyone who's walked away from a murder/self-defense situation...maybe someone on this board can enlighten me...my ears aren't plugged.

Like I said, I'm not anti-guns, I own 'em, use 'em but choose not to carry one.

I think these low-lifers need to be punished (for them, it sounds like de-tox would be worse than death).
God Bless America!