Originally Posted By: Rocket Red
Wow that is some story. You haven't stated the level of intoxication of the offenders. On any given weekend there are quite a few surfers camped out there, in vans, tents, etc, and pretty much every surfer who stays there has a 1st or second hand account of this type of thing happening. Bring up camping at LaPush and the terms "dodgy, and sketchy" immediately follow.

I cannot imagine a more beautiful setting for a sh!thole than LaPush.

When I used to surf out there some friends and I paid for a campsite to the right of the Lapush store. As we were unpacking we were told by a local that we were in the "wrong" parking area. He threatened that if we didn't move right now he was going to come back with a large chain and lock and rap it around my truck's driveline. Guess I really wouldn't be moving after that!

A simple "Could I get you to move your vehicle please" would have been easier.