I would hope it would be hard to convict someone that was woken buy thair
beatin son in the middle of the night and then was kicked in the head.
I love to hunt. My kids love to hunt. I hate the fact that after 40 years of owning guns that I will be packing one around for something other than hunting. I am not afraid of the average person and have not had any problem taking care of myself up to now but regretably those days are gone. If I fear for my kids or my own life or even serious enjury I am no longer willing to just take my chances. Things are out of hand. This country did not rise to power tolerating crap like this. I wouldn't shoot some one running away with my property but if confronted and they come at me I figure they shoud know I may be armed and I will figure the must be planning on over coming me somehow.
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it