Rules are that if you are a non-native the tribal cops may stop and detain, but not arrest. They must hand you over to county or city police with jurisdiction for arrest. Clallam County Sheriff would have jurisdiction. If you can legally carry in Washington State, carry.

Rules on the flip side are that deputies cannot arrest any native (regardless of tribal affiliation) on reservation lands (depends on each reservation, recognition, etc, but you get the idea), we could only hold and detain for tribal cops to arrest. There were certain roads on the Lummi Nation where we were not allowed to drive, "supposedly".

Some folks here have had more training than others on the use of force.

BTW, the guy who was shot at Lake Wynoochee was drunk, and he was also armed with a machette. The shooter actually fired a number of warning shots, and finally out of fear of his life, and for his son's life, he dropped the guy.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.