Originally Posted By: hybridcx
whats with all the instant id shoot them? no ones life was in danger?and sounds like the kid was old enoph to drive. sounds more like drunks than anything. dont get me wrong but getting punched you would pull the end all? im a CWP holder and all but i would have handled it the same as if it was a anoying drunk group camping next to me would of come to blow like this story. no offence but feel like your life was in danger due to two drunk indian girls on the rez?

No one got killed luckily. The victim here had no way of knowing whether or not his assailants were armed or what their intentions were.

I made the comment of someone walking away with a limp rather sheepishly. If the same thing happened to me or my family and I felt like someone's life may be in danger, someone would have been shot, without question.

Don't want to get shot? Don't sneak in on someone's campsite in the middle of the night and start attacking people.
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.