The best of two evils is to not mine the wild fish to make hatchery fish, and then collect the hatchery fish either at hatcheries or in fish boxes when they return.

Killing wild fish to make hatchery fish is removing them from the river as much as any gillnet or fishing lure does, and leaving them in the river will make more wild fish than killing them ever will.

I was a big supporter of broodstock programs in the past, but since I've done a lot of research on them I've completely changed my mind about them...

It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact...every time, every single time they have actually looked at a broodstock program scientifically it has been found to produce less fish, and less fit fish, than if the wild fish had just been left in the river.

Every time.

That's a good enough reason right there to not make any more of them.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle