Originally Posted By: Todd
Have no fear! Looks like we will totally be getting our non-tribal share!

What a clusterfukk.

Fish on...


I was encouraged by another thread to inquire with Ron Warren as to how there can be a non-tribal commercial fishery at Hoodsport while the Skokomish is closed to recreational fishing. That was about 3 weeks ago (maybe more), and I finally got a response (from Ron's assistant; not Ron, himself) yesterday.

The response was as expected. I was assured that there was no connection between the Skokomish closure and the new non-tribal fishery, and that the new commercial fishery had been planned prior to the Skokomish thing, as a way to ensure the State gets its share of the hatchery salmon in Lower Hood Canal.

The response also reminded me that I do still have a shot at Skokomish hatchery fish in the Area 12 sport fishery, which now allows anglers up to 4 adult salmon. I know Ron's office has heard it before (and they don't listen or don't care), so I didn't bother to remind them that fishing Hood Canal for salmon more or less requires a boat that most of the anglers who fish the Skokomish can't afford.

Anyway, my point (sorry it took so long to get there) is that the numerous net fisheries Todd posted for Puget Sound bear one striking resemblance to the new commercial fishery in Hood Canal:

The Tribes shut the sporties out, and the State rewarded non-tribal commercials with whatever fish were left on the table (as well as any new opportunities that might arise if the runs come in above expectation). You guys can do your own math, but it seems pretty clear to me that WDFW puts a LOT more emphasis on for-profit fisheries than they do on sport fisheries in their negotiations. Wonder who directs them to work so hard for those commercial fisheries?