Originally Posted By: Jaydee
Originally Posted By: seastrike
I have to disagree with you JD. Nothing personal. I'd rather walk any street in Seattle (or most streets in Chicago) than a lot of small towns in Washington that I like to fish.

None taken and you're right. Definately was not refering to a Wedgewood/Freemont/etc Seattle neiborhoods. 10 years ago, I had a near bad experience in Bridgeport WA with some, I'd assume, locals during a fishing trip. Had my hair standing up on end and I wasn't packing at the time. Also had a bad experience on 23rd in the CD after dark. Disabled motorists are easy targets. Don't ask me how I know. Talk about a bad day that got worse. It can happen anywhere from the 'hood to the apple orchards to the coast.

Now Detroit is a different story. So glad I left there! Detroit is the most sketchy place I've ever lived.