Originally Posted By: Larry B
JD - No slight meant to all of the other users of that resource; myself included. However, we seem to be just a little squeek whereas the tribal interests (Gov't to Gov't) seems to be a roar. I would much rather have the roar on our side in this instance.

Also, this is certainly a case where legislative interest could be helpful. After all, one can have diving AND fishing.

No slight taken at all here. And you're right. As Andy said, the Makah are aware of the situation. The Director and the Tribe have recently discussed this and that discussion would be an interesting one to over hear. The tribe has had an ear in the 4b meetings leading up to the upcomming public comment period.

What what really erks me, as it should others that fish finfish in the straits/san juans/puget sound/hood canal is that this proposal seems to be a stepping stone towards non-science based mass restrictions in recreational fishing in all marine waters from 4b to 13. Some of those that are pushing these 4b closures have also suggested no fishing zones such as one that extends from Possesion Point to Point No Point in MA9. Whether one fishes MA4b or not, the puget sound recreational fishing community should not stand by while these entities try and close entire sections of our marine waters to recreational fishing.
RIP Tyler Greer. May Your seas be calm, and filled with "tig'ol'bings"!