Originally Posted By: Norman Baker
Jaydee – The misinformation is all in my original posting.

No it's not. Lots of talk about MPAs/MRs and other tangents. Again, what misinformation regarding Rockish and/or specifically Marine Area 4B?

Question. Do you really think that pelagic Rockfish stocks in 4B are effected by the YRCA?

While I agree a Marine reserve is a closure, a closure is not a Marine reserve, because it is not based on biological scientific facts about the fish species it is supposed to protect. The huge MPA, just off the coast is probably why some of the rock fish populations in 4B are still healthy.

"Probably" doesn't sound like a science based statement. Probably sounds like grasping for straws. I think I know what the straw is.
RIP Tyler Greer. May Your seas be calm, and filled with "tig'ol'bings"!