No. At least no one gave testimony from a scuba diver's standpoint. At least one non-consumptive user in attendance for sure. Actually best described as a pro MPA/MR non-user, and this person did not give testimony. There was a Kayaker there that expressed concern about closing the kayak friendly areas in the eastern part of 4b, and to no suprise he's a consumptive user. I counted 22 members of the public in attendence, about 2/3s gave testimony. None in favor of Alt 2 or 3. DFW said that there was only 14 in seattle, likewise, none spoke in favor of Alt 2 or 3 there either. (I didn't clarify if 14 in seattle gave public testimony, or there was 14 total in attendance)
RIP Tyler Greer. May Your seas be calm, and filled with "tig'ol'bings"!