Originally Posted By: Dogfish
The public comment period starts next week. I have documents in PDF format that I need converted so they can be viewed here. Help would be appreciated. I can send them via email.

The documents I am referring to are a set of PDF’s that discuss the proposed changes to fishing in Marine Area 4B. They state they wish to take the “’socio-economic impacts to local communities” into account. We'll see how that goes, but I did alert the Clallam County EDC as well as the Makah Tribe.

There is an opportunity to speak coming up on:

August 23rd 5:30-7:30 University Branch of the Seattle Public Library
5009 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle.

August 24th, 7:00-9:00pm at the DSHS office on 201 W First Street in Port Angeles

August 26th 7-9pm Room 175, Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street in Olympia

I would implore you to consider attending and speaking up on the various proposals. You don't have to be articulate, because I certainly am not.

There are lots of references made towards “non-consumptive users”, (Divers), and to date nobody has shown the economic impact of these non-consumptive groups. My guess is that commissioner Jennings has been hard at work, trying to get his dive park put in place, again.

Proposals include closing the long line fishery, select closures from the Sekui River to Tatoosh, and even a proposal for the closure of the area all around Tatoosh into area 4A east to Koilah Point with a small opening around the entrance of Neah Bay, and then 5 miles of shoreline east of Waddah.

Status quo would keep things where they are at today. Anything else would be a take-away. Also, there is no “Sunset Clause”, meaning that there is no mandatory time set to review any closures that would be put into place.

The proposed changes could essentially end the small boat fishery in Marine Area 4B. The last thing any community needs in this economic climate is a threat to their financial well being.

Hopefully you find this useful. I will be at the August 26th meeting in Olympia. This has the stink of "Jennings" all over it.


They are take public comments for only three more weeks (until Dec 4th). Just a reminder since I know that the pro recreational fishing closure folks will be submitting fresh comment leading up to the deadline.

WDFW is accepting comments on the proposals through Dec. 4. Comments can be submitted by email to Ami.Hollingsworth@dfw.wa.gov or by U.S. Mail to: Ami Hollingsworth, 600 Capitol Way N. Olympia, WA 98501-1091.
RIP Tyler Greer. May Your seas be calm, and filled with "tig'ol'bings"!