I'll have to say it was a "Lively Discussion" at the PA meeting last night. I think I'll "Sneak" behind Safeway and get one of those plastic milk crates for entertainment value. What DipWad PHD came up with that idiotic idea and actually published it in a Goobermint publication? Yep, everybody favored status quo, the department (in my estimation) left with a fair amount of "Not Doing Their Analysis Jobs" egg on faces. What I don't understand is why the rest of the F&W Commission members don't require Jennings to recluse himself due to a obivious conflict of interest.

My question still stands, alternatives other than status quo are in fact a "Change", and anybody with half of an active brain cell knows that with any "Change" there is additional costs. Who's going to pay????? I made it quite clear last night that "Not US Sportfishers" anymore, and it ought to be the Divers, i.e., a Scuba Tank Fee Catch Record Card. When are the managers in the department going to actually speak out about "More Responsibilities" with less money, instead of always bitching for higher fees/licenses. The message was quite clear last night that we want less of the Goobermint crap and more fishing opportunities.
Upstanding Member of the Porcupine Social Club, ergo, the Old Prick in the Upper Left Hand Corner.

AuntyM -- What Crab Audit???? Not That POS Senior AssHat Published!!!!

Hey Mr Childers, have you corrected that Scofflaw Spreadsheet Yet?????