Norm, what part of a bottom fish fishing closure beyond 120 ft don't you understand. Seems to me that has made a rockfish conservation closure area of maybe 60 or more percent of Puget Sound and the Straits. You seem to just want to have your way on this. You and WDFG also seem to have ignored scientific studies about releasing bottom fish safley, one study where they marked fish and went back some years later and caught many previously marked fish. I'm aware of you being a CCA member and since you are maybe you should look up the CCA's stand on MPA's and such.
Must be a lot of fire control needed on these issues from many groups. Individuals join a group and then list that membership as authority to advocate for an agenda. I wonder if the Sierra Club even knows what Mr Baker is doing? I am pretty sure that the CCA and PSA do not support his words and actions.
I do respect his posting of his viewpoints in detail, and feel his passion, but think he has missed his chance to respond to the knowledgeable points raised in this thread. Smacks of "advanced trolling."
FWIW I am an active CCA member but do not claim to represent CCA in any personal opinions such as those above. I am also a member of NW Steelheaders, Wild Steelhead Coalition, Rotary International, and too many to count medical groups, but I do not claim to represent any of them.