While I agree a Marine reserve is a closure, a closure is not a Marine reserve, because it is not based on biological scientific facts about the fish species it is supposed to protect. The huge MPA, just off the coast is probably why some of the rock fish populations in 4B are still healthy.

The reason the rockfish are so healthy is that this area is healthy. This is one area of a gigantic Mountain range that has lots of fish, period no matter how much you want us to believe that this C closure is saving the rockfish. This area is why Oregon and California were able to keep fishing through the Magnusson Stevens Fishery Managment Act as it is still loaded with fish.
Join the Puget Sound Anglers Sno-King Chapter. Meets second Thursday of every month at the SCS Center, 220 Railroad Ave. Edmonds, WA 98020 at 6:30pm Two buildings south of the Edmonds Ferry on the beach.