I, too, was disappointed in the turnout and more so in the absolute lack of data from Staff showing a biological need for any further closures and/or restrictions.
The recently enacted closures (120 foot rule) and reduction of daily catch limits and limiting rockfish catch and keep to black and blues have not had a chance to provide the anticipated population enhancements before this new attempt at further restrictions. That is just nuts!
In a post meeting discussion with Dave the diver who works for Point Defiance Aquarium he suggested that area closures would allow for the full range of fish populations and sizes and, therefore, an unaffected (by humans) full range of interactions among species. (Hope I got that right) Guess that would be the non-consumptive user's maximized goal.
If a diver can see 70 (for instance) mixed species of fish on a dive in an area being fished is that a bad dive? If he saw 100 would that be a great dive? And, if so, would achieving that additional pleasure be worth depriving sport fishermen the opportunity to pursue their sport in that same area? Apparently some people think so.
And while the lack of any sunset clause is a valid criticism any such clause would have to be based upon a reasonable goal and valid current stock assessment indicating a significant shortfall. That kind of data simply does not exist.
So, if you want to continue to have full access to this area I strongly recommend that you submit your comments to the Commission. Be assured that there are folks that would like to usurp your use of some or all of that area and once gone there would be little chance of getting it back.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!
It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)